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Which is Better Made Easy Ot Time

GATE 2021 Exam was conducted on 6th, 7th, 13th and 14th February 2021 by IIT Bombay. Now the results have been declared.  A total of 711542 students appeared for GATE 2021 examination, out of which 17.82% students were able to attain their goal. Now the remaining aspirants along with the new aspirants have started preparing for GATE 2022 exam. If we analyze students feedback it has been observed that Online Test Series play a major role in making the aspirants exam ready. Today, in this article we are going to tell you why online test series is beneficial.

Most of the student are busy reading, learning and remembering all the topics and subjects that are mentioned in the syllabus of the examination. Between this conundrum, the students are also worried about the Online Test series. In toppers talk and other interviews of toppers, the students have heard about the benefits of test series but they are still confused if they should buy the OTS and if yes then from which institute.

GATE is a national level examination which is held every year for the students of engineering and science. The examination is conducted in order to provide the students a pathway for a bright future.

The examination helps the students in:

  • Enrolling for a M. Tech program in a good college.
  • Getting a PSU jobs
  • Scholarship for various international universities
  • Getting admission into NITIE

Every year lakhs of students appear for the GATE Examination. However, the success rate of the examination is low due to the tough competition and huge syllabus of the examination.

Engineering Services Examination is the national level examination conducted by Union Public Service Commission every year. It is one of the toughest examination in the country and helps the engineering graduates in becoming class A and class B officers with the Union government.

Now that we know about the two examinations, let's talk about why one must enroll for Online Test Series

Table of Contents

  • Why Enroll for Online Test Series?
    • Back Your Preparation
    • Helps in Evaluation
    • Get a Better Understanding of the Exam
    • Learn New Concepts
    • Understand the Concepts Better
    • Prepare Before You Appear
    • Get an Idea About the Competition
    • Practice Aptitude
    • Best Technique
  • How to choose the best series?
  • Making the Most of the Test Series

Dear Aspirants,

Take your GATE, ESE and other competetive exam preparation to next level. MADE EASY YouTtube channel has a lot of content to offer. From Current Affairs, Previous Year Questions, Aptitude , Technical sessions, Mock interviews, Study tips etc. all are available under one roof.

So, Hurry Subscribe to MADE EASY YouTube channel now and never miss an update.

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Why Enroll for Online Test Series?

Whether in toppers talk or various other interviews of every year toppers, online test series have always been a constant in everybody's preparation strategy. Consciousness about Time is of great importance to all the candidates while preparing for any competitive test series and at the time of writing the examination. You must be able to develop a habit of attempting several mock test series papers by planning your time efficiently. Accuracy and speed in solving the questions helps you greatly.

1. Back Your Preparation:

While all the students study and read the same topics that are mentioned in the syllabus of the examination, what makes a difference on the final day is the test series. The Online test series helps you in backing up your preparation and making it easier for you to understand the type of questions that are asked in the examination and how a particular concept is applied to the problems.

Even If you plan on not reading any topic due to paucity of time, make sure to go through the questions of the particular topic asked in the test series. This will give you a better idea about the topic and make it easier for you to attempt questions in the examination. For the numerical questions too practice is the best way to master the art, so these test series help you in practicing more and more questions so that you do not make any mistakes at the examination hall.

2. Helps in Evaluation:

As mentioned already, the GATE and ESE examinations are tough exams which have a lot of aspirants. While studying for the examination you make sure to give it your best but what you forget is, unlike the school examinations, the GATE and ESE examination as least about your performance and more about the performance of other people. The examination is not only about how much you have studied and how well your exam goes, it is also about how much more effort the other have put into it. Well, while studying there is no way to know the competition but Online Test Series provide you the best evaluation.

The test series also are a great help to know which subjects or topics you need to work on and which are fully prepared. They are best for last-minute revision, however, for that it is necessary that you solve the test series with full dedication and post-completion take enough time to skim through all the questions and answers. You must make notes of your test series too and back then up with any relevant and important data that you find.

3. Get a Better Understanding of the Exam:

Before starting the preparation of an exam it is necessary that you go through the syllabus and the topics required to be studied, but is that enough? Well, while you know the topics and the concepts to be read, but it is necessary to know what type of questions can be asked related to a particular concept. Therefore, we need a test series so that the students can have a better understanding of the exam.

In the test series, special attention is paid that all the questions asked are in the same format as the examination and previous year questions too added in order to help students practice the questions.

4. Learn New Concepts:

Only reading and understanding the concepts from books is not enough. You may leave some topic thinking it is too easy to be asked in an examination like GATE or ESE. However, when a question from the same topic is asked in the tests series, you actually learn the concept and its application.

Thus, tests series help the candidates learn new concepts and revise the old ones very nicely every week saving them from making any mistakes or not understanding any question in the examination.

5. Understand the Concepts Better:

Reading and mugging up the concept is one thing and understanding it is another. While the reading and mugging up part can be done at home for the competitive examination knowing and understanding the concepts helps in clearing the examination. Waiting for the final examination day to check your conceptual clarity is not a smart move, this is where Online Test Series comes into picture.

These test series are also a great way to know your weaknesses and strengths. By solving the questions, you get a better idea about where you lack and what topics need more revision.

6. Prepare Before You Appear:

Sitting in the library or at home and studying is a very easy format, which is why the test series are meant to make the students get a taste of the real examination on the final day. The same ambience, time limit, no. of questions, type of questions and the competition around provide a perfect environment for the candidates to give the exam and prepare for the exam even before you have appeared for the final examination.

The GATE examination is held online which is why the test series for the same are also normally held online. This helps the students in understanding the interface of the examination and get handy with online tests so that they do not face any problems during the GATE examination.

Similarly, for the ESE examination test series, it is normally held offline due to the format of the examination.

7. Get an Idea About the Competition:

Every year lakhs of students sit for the GATE and ESE examination individually, but how many of them do you know? Maybe a handful. The test series actually help you know your competition and work accordingly. While studying alone is great but living in a bubble isn't, which is why you need to know about your competition.

After the test series, marks and ranks of each individual is released along with the solution to all the problems. Your rank and marks shouldn't bother or dishearten you, instead you should think it this way, it is better to make mistakes here in the Online test series than on the final examination day. The solutions will help you understand the concepts and the marks will give you an idea about how much more hard work is needed.

8. Last Minute Revision:

Making notes is a great quality that most if the students follow while preparing for the exam, however so times not enough time is left to revising everything. At that time these test series come really handy. The test series not only are a set of questions that you need to answer, they are your full syllabus which require keen attention. Thus, once you are done with the test series, make sure to carefully look at the solution and make notes of all that you think is important from the perspective of the examination.

These notes from the test series are a great revision mater which are handy and cover all the concepts. Therefor make sure you give the test series with full sincerity and destination and also revise them every now and then.

9. Practice Aptitude:

Most of the students leave the Aptitude part of the examination thinking that it is too easy and can be completed in a day. Well they are wrong, this part may be easy but can actually fetch you good marks and increase your ranking in the GATE examination. The test series also help you to practice the aptitude part of the exam which would otherwise be left to fate and over confidence.

The test series cover all the concepts and formulae related to aptitude and help you in scoring good marks in the examination.

10. Best Technique:

For those students who believe that the test series are meant to score high marks and top the examination, well you got it wrong. The test series are a platform to prepare you for the final examination. All the candidates have different approach to solving the question paper.

Well, test series give you the opportunity to explore more techniques and finalize on the best one for the final examination. Test series as the name suggest is a series if tests that you take to prepare for the final battle.

So instead of aiming for only the best in the test series, leave it for the final examination and take these tests as trial run. Try all the techniques and ways to solve the question and before the final exam you will know what suits you best and which one you must go forward with.

Above listed are various reasons why test series are an important part of your examination preparation. Therefore, do not leave them out in any case. Choose the test series with utmost care and make sure you make the most out of it.

How to choose the best series?

Choosing the best test series is a difficult task due to immense competition and number of test series which are available. However, you must remember that opting for new test series can always backfire. Some points to be kept in mind while choosing the test series are:

  • choose the test series which most of the toppers have opted for
  • Choose the institute which has strong hold in the area of GATE and ESE
  • Chose the test series which is inclined to your studies.
  • Choosing the test series which has the best solution with detailed analysis.

Making the Most of the Test Series

Once enrolled for the test series, make sure you make the most out of it. Do not leave the test series for last minute and instead inline your studies with the test series and keep completing these series as and when it is uploaded. Procrastinating on your test series will cost you huge marks in the final examination. Therefore, give your best shot and use the test series as a stepping stone in your preparation.

We are sure there are no more doubts about why you should enroll in the test series, and how it will help in your preparation. The test series are great help while preparing as they clear your concepts, help in learning more and most of all give you the opportunity to explore various options of solving the test series and pick the best one.

While preparing for any exam your motivation and efforts must be one hundred percent, and only then will the result be similar too. There is no alternative for hard work, your staunch and strong passion to gain success will sparkle the talent that lies within you. With these unwavering positive thoughts, it will not be very difficult for you to solve the test series to attain your goal.

We hope you like the article and all your doubts about the test series is now clear. We would love to hear from you if you have more doubts or problems. All the very best for your examination.

Keep Reading

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Take your GATE, ESE and other competetive exam preparation to next level. MADE EASY YouTtube channel has a lot of content to offer. From Current Affairs, Previous Year Questions, Aptitude , Technical sessions, Mock interviews, Study tips etc. all are available under one roof.

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