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Books a Good Source of Knowledge

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  • Discuss: What is the best source of knowledge?

    This thread is to discuss the opinion poll topic 'What is the best source of knowledge?'.

    Knowledge is actually everything; take any of the options; it is definite that they can be counted as source of knowledge and I want to know which source you take up to when you have to search about something?

    In my cases; I do rely upon internet alot; when I have to look upon some matters; even though it is not reliable; but I do appeal my brain also when making the suggestion to try out in real life for some matters.

  • Hi,
    Knowledge is knowledge and should be grabbed when ever you find an opportunity. To me there is nothing called the best source its an opportunity to get knowledgeable from any one or all of the above mentioned.

    But there is a definite advantage with the internet as it has got all the features in one. With a few clicks and typing you literally know every thing from books to newspapers from people to animals.While in the pursuit you may also come across certain topics which you may have never thought of but they can help to update your knowledge.

    Rahaman Baig

  • Best way to get knowledge is through counseling, practical knowledge and practice. In these 3 cases we learn the most in very less time and be in our memory for long time.

    Palash Mandal
    You Life Your Choice

  • Dear Friends,
    The proper usage of the time is the main source of knowledge. What not knowledge everything is a knowledge. Books, news papers, internet and human beings are not only the sources of knowledge , everything around us is a knowledge. Our forum writer messaged he would rely on internet. It is not correct. Before us there are many elements including internet to acquire knowledge. Every source of knowledge before us may not true . we have to select and grasp true from the sources available. To acquire true we have to apply our power of concentration and relativity of knowledge.

    "Education is the movement from darkness to light"


  • Hi,
    As far as I know from my practical experience, internet is the best source of knowledge if you utilize it properly to improve your knowledge.
    Coming to books, it can only say a specific topic and we cannot find new and updated concepts in the book. Internet can be used to look for any topic we wish to and we can find new and updated things in it. For example, if you see any biography of a person in Wikipedia, it will get updated as soon as there is something to be added. But when it is book, it has no way to search for that new updated news.
    Newspaper will say lot but when we want to search a thing immediately, then we cannot use newspaper to search and know. We can get only what it has.
    Human beings are always having a practical experience and it might be best than what theoretically it is in the internet. But they won't be available all the time when we need for immediate search.
    Gopi Srinivasulu

  • Everything in the world is source of knowledge and we need only interest to gain it. Nature is the best teacher, by observing its every phenomenon we can learn a lot, but due to busy life style we won't have few second to observe its beauty and learn many things from it. Yes, good books are true friend of a person. These are good source of knowledge. We must read books and gain all the useful knowledge what we need. Internet is also one good source of knowledge. It is an unlimited source of knowledge. If we learn how to use it for good purpose then we can gain the most benefits of this valuable source of knowledge.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Unfortunately there is no one source of knowledge today. It still is a combination of books and the internet. I previously used to think that all knowledge is available on the net. This is true, but the knowledge you see is mostly shallow or superficial. You can get much better information on how to solve a chemistry practical or maths equation reading your text book. If everything was on the net, textbooks would not be required by students anymore, they would do all their homework online.

  • hi

    "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER".we can get knowledge from each and past days newspaper and books are the main source to obtain the knowledge but nowadays the internet is the weapon for everyone we can get whatever message we needed.The best one among this is human beings.many are inspired by others.they can learn from their experience it will give lots of knowledge.


  • Now a days knowledge is shared by means of internet and every new topic is searched in the internet to get full vast of information. When there was no internet, the only medium to get knowledge was books and newspapers. Now the revoultion has changed and today many of them select Internet as a medium of gaining knowledge and we cannot predict how much good the information and we must use our brain to think more wisely to take the information from the internet.

    "Earning knowledge is by sharing it with ISC and we will rectify our mistakes."

  • The best source of knowledge is the best people around you. More than reading, hearing helps us to understand better. Books, magazines and internet are one way of gathering knowledge. Human beings are the best source of knowledge provided you are surrounded by the right human beings.

  • Books are best source of getting knowledge.But now a days all are preferably use Internet for getting all information and all type knowledge without paying much amount on it. Internet is very good option for young ones, that why internet facility is necessary in the school and colleges or students. Books are costly but are ultimate source of knowledge.

    Rajendra Singh
    I am not the BEST,
    but I am not like the REST........

  • No doubt books are the best source of knowledge. But today internet have taken place of books. We can get a lot of knowledge from internet. We can also read most of the books on internet by using e-books. But still I will say to buy books. Because we can read them when we do not have internet. Books are the ideas written by writers in their own words or say practical knowledge.
    But better would be if you practice them and make them more perfect.
    Second source of knowledge I will prefer old persons who have got knowledge from their experience. Our elders have got lot of knowledge from their experiences. So we should respect them and try to learn from their experiences.

    Piyoosh Goswami
    "If you are busy, it means you are happy"

  • Knowledge is something that should be accepted from any source it comes. Reading books, newspapers, content from Internet makes us aware of the fact and scenarios. The knowledge gained from the real time experience make us aware about the practical aspects of the theoretical knowledge. The experiences of the other human beings also provides us knowledge. Therefore, we must take knowledge from all the means and utilize them in or daily life.


  • There is no doubt that Books are the one who will win the long term race in this question, I still feel that permanent knowledge can be taken from them,what we see on internet do make an impact but that needs to be polished with a good book as well.I have seen that most of the students are now getting online tutorials and they serve a goods purpose too, there are some practical examples given which are given in books too but we can never implement that in current.Things become outdated and yet we study them but on internet we have an updated information bank so I think that now internet is moving a step far but all this applies for technology. The real discussion, debate, laws etc are well read from a good book.

    Iti Tyagi
    "Soar to Success"

  • The hunger for knowledge is one of the most important factors in our quest for knowledge. The eagerness to learn something new and to accept that we do not know everything helps us to learn more and more. If one has the will and willingness to learn then be it books in the library or internet through his mobile phone, nothing can come between him and his thirst for knowledge.

  • This is very important in life greatness
    The best way to get knowledge is to taste for knowledge. It is believed that what you don't desire you can never have. Knowledge is what open you up for greatness.
    Desire for knowledge is important in today's quest for greatness and conquest.

    Adesola Adeyeye

  • To say about this thread topic is difficult. The reason for the same is it is our wish and the situation which demands the type of source. Anyhow in this modern world Internet is the most influential use and books come in other stage only. Anyhow we can get the knowledge even from teachers, books and by observation. so it varies from time to time.


    There is not substitute for hard work and no shortcut to success.

  • Hi,

    There are various sources from which you can learn and enrich your knowledge.
    You have got books, internet, teachers , friends and colleagues to name a few.
    You can also learn a lot from your own experience.

  • We can't determine which is the best source of knowledge. Because all source have the ability to give the knowledge to us. We get knowledge from around the world. Through news papers, internet, human beings etc. Now a days we can see that all the information are included in internet. Even news papers can be viewed through internet. Internet make the world in to the finger point. So as an answer we can say that internet is best source. But it cannot be determined. We got the information or knowledge from the birds, animals etc. They are also the contributor of some kind of knowledge. We can find the unity power from the life of ants. They are the better example for the unity among the society. So all the things around us are the source of knowledge. But as an answer we can say that internet is a vast source of knowledge.


  • Books a Good Source of Knowledge
