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Where to Find Solution Manuals for Textbooks

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  • #1
is there any way to find solution manuals for college text books if you have the isbn? i typed in the isbn on google, but only the publisher website comes up...any help from experienced college students would be great!
Aug 31, 2001
  • #2
I always just use the bookstore websites of the bookstores on campus. They always carry the solution manuals.
  • #3
search on amazon, they have most of the books available
  • #4
If you mean the "teachers" solution manual, then students are not allowed to order them.

We had a Chemical Engineering student expelled from my university for ordering solutions manuals for statics, dynamics, and some other courses. You know how she got caught? The place she ordered the books from called the dean and made an inquiry...

  • #5
The place she ordered the books from called the dean and made an inquiry...
wow.. that sucks.
  • #6
yea i am talking about professor or ta solution manuals, which can't really be found of amazon or wonder how did the book store find out where did the student go to school at?
  • #7
If the textbook is an edition that's a few years old, you can hunt down a teacher's solution manual through used online book stores. Even ebay/ will have them but not too often. If it's a new edition, then there wont be much hope in finding a guide.
Oct 9, 1999
  • #8
Originally posted by: Dedpuhl
We had a Chemical Engineering student expelled from my university for ordering solutions manuals for statics, dynamics, and some other courses. You know how she got caught? The place she ordered the books from called the dean and made an inquiry...
A friend of mine teaches at a local university and the same thing happened to one of his students. They failed him for the class that he ordered the solution manual from, and expelled him. They told the kid that even if he is readmitted in the future (it's likely that they'd let him back in in a year or so), his transcript will always have a notation about what happened!
  • #9
Originally posted by: kranky
Originally posted by: Dedpuhl
We had a Chemical Engineering student expelled from my university for ordering solutions manuals for statics, dynamics, and some other courses. You know how she got caught? The place she ordered the books from called the dean and made an inquiry...
A friend of mine teaches at a local university and the same thing happened to one of his students. They failed him for the class that he ordered the solution manual from, and expelled him. They told the kid that even if he is readmitted in the future (it's likely that they'd let him back in in a year or so), his transcript will always have a notation about what happened!

Professors don't like competition!

Some of the solution manuals of those popular/classic math/science books I've seen were written and published overseas, usually India, Taiwan or Singapore. Check with your foreign buddies.

  • #10
Originally posted by: tigerbait
The place she ordered the books from called the dean and made an inquiry...
wow.. that sucks.
Oh well. I didn't like her anyway....
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Where to Find Solution Manuals for Textbooks
