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Make Tpa Ezreal Hair Orange Again

mikasa as a twitch streamer

↳ i hope that everybody is enjoying this series so far :D thank u for the kind words and love !! if u have any specific character you'd like to see a twitch au for please let me know (already have jean drafted!)
eren version | armin version | jean version | sasha version | connie version |

mikasa had never really been interested in streaming until eren suggested she try it out

she really liked guesting on his streams and he could tell by the way she'd just watch every little thing he did that she was interested in streaming but honestly just too uncomfortable to try it out

that being said she eventually tried and she actually likes it sooooo much

it just gives her space to be herself and do things that SHE likes

i think mikasa is the type of girl to unconditionally put others before herself and so on her streams she's really able to value her own interests and the chat love that about her

probably managed to somehow snag the url mikasa so it's kinda OP

i'd say that mikasa has around 400-500k subs right now

she only took off the same way armin did as "eren's friend" but to be honest she has a very interesting personality and always really good at every game so she gains attention every time she plays something

mikasa plays league of legends A LOT

she also really loves playing horror games, doesn't matter which horror game it is, she will play it once to see if she can complete it

she plays genshin with armin too and loves making eren and armin play horror games with her because it's always hilarious to hear them scream

she plays a handful of games honestly like she plays horror games, valorant, genshin, minecraft, she also really loves smash and fighter type games

but she's mainly known for league

literally she is so good some people in chat think she could play professionally if she tried

she can play most champions but she almost always plays as irelia

she just thinks that irelia is sick

but mikasa also alternates between ahri, ezreal, caitlin, yone

probably mastered viego when he first came out too and she thinks that sett is really hot but she won't admit it on camera

mikasa plays league with annie all the time

like aside from eren and armin i think annie is mikasa's closest friend

they are so good at league when they duo and it actually intimidates chat a little bit

mikasa and annie attend the championships together when they can and if they can't due to money or travel they will meet up to watch them together

mikasa's also definitely been on stream wearing an irelia cosplay i just can't unsee it

and she owns like every skin for the champions she likes

everybody say thank you to the chat for donating her so much money for doing nothing besides looking good and playing games

currently she has longer black hair, probably like season 3's length, but she'll cut it to season 4's length soon she's still deciding how short to go

mikasa always reads her chat and if she's busy in a game then she will make sure to scroll as much as she can to read what people are saying and will always thank everybody for their donations and subs

she rarely raids other people but she gifts subs to people

her chat are like genuine bodyguards for her

they are the kpop stans of twitch they will literally fight anybody who talks shit about her

they always give her tips and advice in the chat and will literally attack people who talk down on her

when people hate it's mostly because they've come from someone else's stream to hate on her for being a girl

even though she's very capable of setting the record straight (and she does so flawlessly) she still really appreciates her chat sticking up for her like that

mikasa's the type to have custom emotes of her friends but not even to take the piss it's just because she loves them

her mods are really great too and they're pretty good at maintaining the chat and keeping the peace

she really doesn't care much about how she looks but always makes an effort to at least look nice (which she always does)

her most viral moment was her getting her pentakill and ending the game for her team on league

it trended worldwide and she distinctly remembers pokimane liking that tweet and she's never felt the same since

mikasa has never been cancelled because honestly people wouldn't know what to cancel her for BUT her chat definitely have a reputation amongst other twitch streamers

they know not to mess with her

and apparently so do the tabloids

mikasa and armin currently room together with like some other random people because they were both in dorms first year of university and since eren moved back home they just decided to room together

mikasa streams with the cute neon lights almost always on like red or purple

and unapologetically has cat ears on her headset because she likes cats, it's cute, and honestly it helps pay her bills when the simps send donations

like armin she also has a discord for her community :)

no youtube but she's well known anyway and people watch clips from other users when they need a daily dose of mikasa
